Monday, February 7, 2011

Monthly Monday Weigh-In

Being that today is the first Monday of the month, I thought this would be a good time to update my weight status. I see so many different things on blogs that I stalk, er... follow, such as Weigh-In Wednesday, Friday Fatloss, and Supersizeme Sunday. Wait, not the last one. Anywho, I don't want the complete focus of my blog to be my weight loss, that's why I only want to do a weigh-in once a month. Yes, it is a part of me, and I am proud of it, but it's not what makes me, well, me. I'm more that just another diet success story, I'm a mom, student, wife, cook, all around awesome lady ;). It's not like I've been super consistent with it either, I'm just buckling down more here lately. So I'm going to make an attempt to weigh in monthly. I try to keep that scale hidden, I don't want to make standing on it a ritual. If so, I become obsessed and beat myself up. So that said... here it is:

Last month: 178.5 (The holidays happened!)
This month: 172.8 w00t!

I secretely had a goal to make 170 for my birthday coming up here on Wednesday, but 172.8 is good too and I'll take it! I do need to incorporate exercise into my routine. Working back to back 12s at the hospital has probably contributed (in an unhealthy way) to my weight loss this past month.

Goal for next month: Get some exercise in every week. Surely I can afford 30 minutes a day for 3 days out of the week. ?? Maybe not. We'll see!

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